Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Good Friday!

Take time today to be with those you love. Those who fill your heart and soul with happiness. We don't STOP enough to cherish these moments. Embrace it.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sitting in a coffee shop...

Well here it first entry! I'm sitting in a packed coffee shop checking my email and loving life! My career path took a drastic turn end of last November. I never would have thought that being fired would make me so happy!

I was one of those people who thought the goal in life was to finish school, get a great paying Monday to Friday 9 to 5 job, get married, have a couple kids and vacation a few times a year. Wow, was I ever wearing blinders! Totally missing out on opportunities that came my way because they didn't fit the plan. Till one day when I was told that funding had been cut and I no longer had a job. What now I thought?

The possibilities are endless! My mind is open and I cannot believe the opportunities that are available to me. My advice to those living day in day out wondering "what if?"...take the blinders off and be open to the possibilities!
