It's week #9 and so close to Christmas. Paige wants everyone to have something special to open on Christmas day so...she opened up her piggy bank and we took a trip to the dollar store to max out the number of gifts she could purchase. Her sister and cousins Baylee, Cooper and Faith joined us. So fun! They scoured the local Dollarama for anything they thought a young boy or girl would love! They filled two huge gift bags full! Yahoo!!! Cooper asked if he could get something and we all discussed how this was not about getting..but about giving today. After that we headed to Susie's Firehall to drop off the donation. They all wanted to carry the bags into the hall and were excited to show what they had brought. Susie took us for a tour and we got to meet some wicked firefighters, check out the HUGE firetruck and Paige tested out the horn too! Yikes. Paige was so excited to see where Susie worked and it was awesome to see how inspired they all were by her and how great it feels to give to others.
Be Phat!
Be Phat!